The potential for happiness is all around us, yet it eludes so many.

With an approach that is at once both spiritual and scientific, Christine Schader offers poignant suggestions and provides practical exercises on how to focus on what makes you happy.

In her book, The Happiness Connection, Christine argues that happiness isn’t the sum of all the things in your life—in fact, your circumstances and belongings account for very little of your happiness. Most of your happiness depends on your outlook, however, this is not about being positive all the time. YOU ARE ENOUGH! You are whole, complete and perfect just as you are. Being human means living and experiencing a wide range of emotions and thoughts.  By better understanding the science behind happiness, as well as its spiritual component, you’ll find yourself much closer to true happiness.

Christine analyzes the Bible’s commentary on positive psychology, neuroscience, well-being, and the law of attraction. In these matters—as in so many others—the Bible was, as always, insightful and ahead of its time.

“Once you understand that every thought you think, every word you speak, and every belief you hold are brushstrokes in the painting of your life, you begin to see the magic you bestow upon the creation of your life’s masterpiece.”

In The Happiness Connection, inspirational speaker Christine Schader offers clear steps to help her readers discover what makes them truly happy. Drawing wisdom from both modern neuroscience and the Bible, she takes you on an enlightening, engaging, and empowering journey that will share how the Bible provided some of the first teachings on positive psychology, neuroscience, well-being, law of attraction, and is a road map to ultimate happiness.

God has given us many delights—a world of incredible beauty, the music of laughter, the capacity to love.  Of course He wants us to enjoy them!


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The Happiness Connection: The Bible & The Brain​

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